Monday, July 12, 2010

Books to Movies Introduction

I am a bookworm as well as a movie geek, but I often fall into the trap where I read the book and go see the movie and I am usually disappointed. Some are alright. In this page, I will examine my opinions between the books and the movies!

Despicable Me

Starring: Steve Carell, Jason Segal, Russell Brand
My Rating: 4.5/5

From start to finish, I laughed. I really enjoyed every part of this movie. The character of Gru was kind of like a modern day Grinch: a guy who's evil on the outside but has the ability to let his heart grow. After adopting three young girls from a girls home in order to facilitate his plan of stealing a shrink ray from fellow villian, Vector (Jason Segal). After a while, it's plain to see that Gru is not just a villian, but a born dad as well. This film is heartwarming and dare I say it, might by better than Toy Story 3????? It's a close tie. It's witty and funny...But I don't think kids will get the joke where the bank of evil had the subtitle.... formally Lehman Brothers!!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

Alright, I know what your going to ask: Where you one of those people who stood outside the theater in a mile long line a midnight just to be one of the first ones to see this movie. And the answer is yes. A couple of my friends fended off the fiendish fans just long enough to catch the flick, and it was worth while. Being a girl, I know I have a bias on this movie because it's a romance movie and really there is no hot girl for the guys to oogle Just us girls staring into Jacob aka Taylor Lautner's abs. I thought that this was the best one in the series. This installment features Bella (Kristen Stewert) who isn't facing Edward's (Robert Pattinson) proposal from the last seconds of New Moon with open arms and is trying to repair a broken relationship with werewolf Jacob (Taylor Lautner). Victoria also comes back in the picture who is now seeking vengeance on Bella by creating a gang of newborn vampires, lead by Riley (a rather attractive vampire and guy, until he snarls!). All in all, this was a great film, where we get to see a side of Rosalie Hale that we haven't seen in the previous films. My favorite part was the overall tone of the movie. This one was darker than the previous ones, probably due to David Slade, most known for 30 Days of Night, another vampire flick. One thing that has bugged me a bit about this film and New Moon: I am not totally convinced by Dakota Fanning's performance as Jane, the Volturi guard. Maybe it's the fact that all she's really played were innocent little girls, but maybe it will grow on me! Damn it! Now we have to wait a whole year for the last one to come out, or should I say last two? Whatever, This is a great date movie, or just chillin' with the gals.

Welcome Emily to the world of Blogging!

This is my very first post on my very first blog so I thought I would take a minute and just welcome myself. I admit, I thought that bloggers were just people with too much free time and too many emotions. Sorry, I was wrong. I have found that expressing emotions through this medium can be very refreshing. This blog will be mainly me expressing my feelings for movies because I love to watch them so much! I hope that you will find that my advice to be very biased and honest.
Once again Welcome!